Saturday, March 11, 2006


I know. My blog is about food. Well, this spam is not food. It's just as bad though. :)

Come on, there can't be ONE PERSON out there that likes spam. The indiscriminately sent unsolicited, unwanted, irrelevant, and inappropriate messages, especially commercial advertising in mass quantities.

Spam is unsolicited e-mail.

In addition to being a nuisance, spam also eats up a lot of network bandwidth. Because the Internet is a public network, little can be done to prevent spam, just as it is impossible to prevent junk mail. However, the use of software filters in e-mail programs can be used to remove most spam sent through e-mail.

But, spam on my blog!? That's it. That's the last straw!!!

What, I have to MODERATE my blog and not allo people to leave messages on it without my approval? That sort of ruins the whole idea of a blog. :( Oh well.

I'm sure that the people at "Blogger" are doing their best to stop this. All I can do now is check it and delete the comments when I find spam (I already found and deleted 4).

OK, so to make this a "food" thing, I'll talk about food. :)

I made dinner for the family last night. Was very nice. Everyone enjoyed. The food was good (of course, I made it!) and the family was happy.

Oh, today is Jenna's birthday.

Jenna is the daughter of Michael. Michael is Jimmy's brother. Jimmy is a fish. No, really.. :) Jimmy is my sister's husband.

So there. :) Happy birthday to Jenna way out there in Hawaii!!!!

And food....did you know that you can make a delicious sauce for thin slices of chicken breast?

Just start with some olive oil, butter, melt is and add some garlic (I have to make a blog about garlic!!!) and let it get light brown. Pour in some white wine and let the alcohol evaporate. Once this is done, add some sugar, salt, pepper, lemon, and capers.

That's it! Simple, yet delicioso!! Place the chicken pieces in the sauce and cook, sprinkle on some cilantro, and you've got an amazing dish. ;)

OK, I'm going to eat something. I made myself hungry. :)



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